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SHSAT One-On-One Help

Students in grades eight or nine who want to enroll in one of New York City’s specialized high schools must take the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT). All students in grades eight and nine who are current New York City residents are eligible. The schools that require the SHSAT are: Bronx High School of Science Brooklyn Latin School Brooklyn Technical High School High School for Math, Science and Engineering at City College High School for American Studies at Lehman College Queens High School for Sciences at York College Staten Island Technical High School Stuyvesant High School The SHSAT assesses knowledge and skills. These skills consist of the ability to comprehend English prose, to demonstrate understanding of revising and editing skills central to writing in English, and to use problem-solving skills in mathematics. The test measures knowledge and skills students have gained over the course of their education. Keeping up with schoolwork throughout the year is the best possible preparation.